Get a private consultation.
Understand your body’s specific needs. Speak with a doctor or medical professional discreetly by phone.
Understand your body’s specific needs. Speak with a doctor or medical professional discreetly by phone.
So, you can focus on work for those extra hours, complete another set at the gym, spend more time on the beach, or play with your kids a little longer on the playground.
Lab studies show that PainFix significantly reduces inflammation.
Our ingredients show wide-ranging benefits, from regenerative healing, to antioxidant effects, and more.
Bed rest is out. Staying active is in. The latest research is finally catching up with our age-old approach.
When I left my home to start my life in New York City, I brought an important tradition with me: my family’s pain remedies. Many times I’d watched my parents cook up herbs in our centuries-old healing traditions, and apply them to patients in ...
PainFix Restore Patches deliver a therapeutic dose of pain relief over an extended period to weak and sore areas of your body. Each patch comes with an adhesive sheet to secure the patch in place. To apply, place the Restore Patch onto the...
The simplest way to apply Pain Relieving Gel is to rub a thin layer over sore or soon-to-be stressed areas and wait for the gel to absorb into your skin. This works best for areas that are too tender to massage. Apply up to four times per day, but no more...
For over 40 years, the herbal formulation contained in PainFix products was used in a traditional form at the pain management clinics owned by the family of PainFix co-founder Yen Tse Yap. This medicine was used to treat thousands of chronic and...
Our roots lie in the healing medicines and practices of ancient Kung Fu masters. They understood that pain is the body’s way of communicating certain limits. They listened to these signals and used them to unlock the strongest, healthiest version of their bodies. The restoring formulas these Kung Fu masters used were passed down from generation to generation into the hands of PainFix founders, Yen Tse Yap and Jian Ping Fan.
“The results of in vitro anti-inflammatory tests for PainFix's herbal extracts were impressive, strongly indicating that the herbal extracts were capable of inhibiting inflammation. ”